Expression 11: "f" left parenthesis, "x" , "y" , right parenthesis left brace, "x" squared plus StartFraction, "y" squared Over 4 , EndFraction equals 1 , right bracefx,yx2+y24=1
Expression 12: "f" left parenthesis, "x" , "y" , right parenthesis left brace, "x" squared plus StartFraction, "y" squared Over 4 , EndFraction less than 1 , right bracefx,yx2+y24<1
Let's parameterize the boundary path on the surface.
Expression 14: "C" equals left parenthesis, cos "t" , 2 sin "t" , "f" left parenthesis, cos "t" , 2sin "t" , right parenthesis , right parenthesisC=cost,2sint,fcost,2sint