计时操作 "h" to "h" plus sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "h" , "k" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis "d" cosine left parenthesis, arctan left parenthesis, StartFraction, "f" Subscript, "y" , Baseline left parenthesis, "h" , "k" , right parenthesis Over "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "h" , "k" , right parenthesis , EndFraction , right parenthesis plus 90 , right parenthesis , "k" to "k" plus sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "h" , "k" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis "d" sine left parenthesis, arctan left parenthesis, StartFraction, "f" Subscript, "y" , Baseline left parenthesis, "h" , "k" , right parenthesis Over "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "h" , "k" , right parenthesis , EndFraction , right parenthesis plus 90 , right parenthesis , "H" to join left parenthesis, "H" , "h" , right parenthesis left brace, floor left parenthesis, StartFraction, "t" Over "r" , EndFraction , right parenthesis equals StartFraction, "t" Over "r" , EndFraction , right brace , "K" to join left parenthesis, "K" , "k" , right parenthesis left brace, floor left parenthesis, StartFraction, "t" Over "r" , EndFraction , right parenthesis equals StartFraction, "t" Over "r" , EndFraction , right brace , "t" to "t" plus 1h→h+sgnfxh,kdcosarctanfyh,kfxh,k+90,k→k+sgnfxh,kdsinarctanfyh,kfxh,k+90,H→joinH,hfloortr=tr,K→joinK,kfloortr=tr,t→t+1
表达式22: StartRoot, "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "x" , "y" , right parenthesis squared plus "f" Subscript, "y" , Baseline left parenthesis, "x" , "y" , right parenthesis squared , EndRoot equals "I"fxx,y2+fyx,y2=I
表达式23: left parenthesis, "H" , "K" , right parenthesisH,K
表达式24: "I" equals left bracket, 0 , "l" ...2 0 "l" , right bracketI=0,l...20l
表达式25: left parenthesis, negative StartFraction, "a" Over 2 , EndFraction , 0 , right parenthesis−a2,0
表达式26: left parenthesis, StartFraction, "a" Over 2 , EndFraction , 0 , right parenthesisa2,0
表达式27: "G" equals 6.6 7 4 3 0 1 5 times 10 to the negative 11th powerG=6.6743015·10−11
表达式28: "M" Subscript, "E" , Baseline equals 5.9 7 2 times 10 to the 24th powerME=5.972·1024
表达式29: left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesism,n
表达式30: "m" equals 3100000m=3100000
表达式31: "n" equals 450000n=450000
表达式32: "y" equals "n" left brace, sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis "x" greater than sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis "m" , right brace left brace, sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis "x" less than sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis left parenthesis, "m" plus 10 to the 5th power "f" Subscript, "x" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis , right bracey=nsgnfxm,nx>sgnfxm,nmsgnfxm,nx<sgnfxm,nm+105fxm,n
表达式33: "x" equals "m" left brace, sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "y" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis "y" greater than sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "y" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis "n" , right brace left brace, sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "y" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis "y" less than sgn left parenthesis, "f" Subscript, "y" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis left parenthesis, "n" plus 10 to the 5th power "f" Subscript, "y" , Baseline left parenthesis, "m" , "n" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis , right bracex=msgnfym,ny>sgnfym,nnsgnfym,ny<sgnfym,nn+105fym,n
表达式34: "f" left parenthesis, "x" , right parenthesis equals sort left parenthesis, unique left parenthesis, left parenthesis, StartFraction, sgn left parenthesis, "x" , right parenthesis plus 1 Over 2 , EndFraction , right parenthesis left parenthesis, "x" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis , right parenthesisfx=sortuniquesgnx+12x
表达式35: Start sum from "n" equals 2 to count left parenthesis, "f" left parenthesis, "H" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis , end sum, left parenthesis, "f" left parenthesis, "H" , right parenthesis left bracket, "n" , right bracket minus "f" left parenthesis, "H" , right parenthesis left bracket, "n" minus 1 , right bracket , right parenthesis "f" left parenthesis, "H" , right parenthesis left bracket, "n" , right bracketcountfH∑n=2fHn−fHn−1fHn