Expression 99: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 55 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 67.5 , right bracey=−x−55−15x≤67.5
Expression 100: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 80 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 92.5 , right bracey=−x−80−15x≤92.5
Expression 101: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 20 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 7.5 , right bracey=−x+20−15x≤−7.5
Expression 102: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 45 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 32.5 , right bracey=−x+45−15x≤−32.5
Expression 103: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 70 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 57.5 , right bracey=−x+70−15x≤−57.5
Expression 104: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 95 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 82.5 , right bracey=−x+95−15x≤−82.5
Expression 105: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 5 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 7.5 , right bracey=−−x+5−15x≥−7.5
Expression 106: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 30 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 17.5 , right bracey=−−x+30−15x≥17.5
Expression 107: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 55 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 42.5 , right bracey=−−x+55−15x≥42.5
Expression 108: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 80 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 67.5 , right bracey=−−x+80−15x≥67.5
Expression 109: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 105 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, 100 greater than or equal to "x" greater than or equal to 92.5 , right bracey=−−x+105−15100≥x≥92.5
Expression 110: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 20 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 32.5 , right bracey=−−x−20−15x≥−32.5
Expression 111: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 45 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 57.5 , right bracey=−−x−45−15x≥−57.5
Expression 112: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 70 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 82.5 , right bracey=−−x−70−15x≥−82.5
Expression 113: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 95 , EndRoot minus 15 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 100 , right bracey=−−x−95−15x≥−100
Expression 114: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 15 , right bracey=−x−22x≤15
Expression 115: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 30 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 45 , right bracey=−x−30−22x≤45
Expression 116: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 60 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 75 , right bracey=−x−60−22x≤75
Expression 117: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 90 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 100 , right bracey=−x−90−22x≤100
Expression 118: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 30 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 15 , right bracey=−x+30−22x≤−15
Expression 119: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 60 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 45 , right bracey=−x+60−22x≤−45
Expression 120: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 90 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 75 , right bracey=−x+90−22x≤−75
Expression 121: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 15 , right bracey=−−x−22x≥−15
Expression 122: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 30 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 45 , right bracey=−−x−30−22x≥−45
Expression 123: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 60 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 75 , right bracey=−−x−60−22x≥−75
Expression 124: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 90 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 100 , right bracey=−−x−90−22x≥−100
Expression 125: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 30 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 15 , right bracey=−−x+30−22x≥15
Expression 126: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 60 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 45 , right bracey=−−x+60−22x≥45
Expression 127: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 90 , EndRoot minus 22 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 75 , right bracey=−−x+90−22x≥75
Expression 128: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 10 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 25 , right bracey=−x−10−30x≤25
Expression 129: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 40 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 55 , right bracey=−x−40−30x≤55
Expression 130: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 70 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 85 , right bracey=−x−70−30x≤85
Expression 131: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 20 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 5 , right bracey=−x+20−30x≤−5
Expression 132: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 50 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 35 , right bracey=−x+50−30x≤−35
Expression 133: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 110 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, negative 100 less than or equal to "x" less than or equal to negative 95 , right bracey=−x+110−30−100≤x≤−95
Expression 134: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 80 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 65 , right bracey=−x+80−30x≤−65
Expression 135: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 80 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 95 , right bracey=−−x−80−30x≥−95
Expression 136: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 50 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 65 , right bracey=−−x−50−30x≥−65
Expression 137: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 20 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 35 , right bracey=−−x−20−30x≥−35
Expression 138: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 10 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 5 , right bracey=−−x+10−30x≥−5
Expression 139: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 40 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 25 , right bracey=−−x+40−30x≥25
Expression 140: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 70 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 55 , right bracey=−−x+70−30x≥55
Expression 141: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 100 , EndRoot minus 30 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 85 , right bracey=−−x+100−30x≥85
Expression 142: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 5 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 15 , right bracey=−x+5−39x≤15
Expression 143: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 35 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 55 , right bracey=−x−35−39x≤55
Expression 144: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 75 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 95 , right bracey=−x−75−39x≤95
Expression 145: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 45 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 25 , right bracey=−x+45−39x≤−25
Expression 146: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 85 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 65 , right bracey=−x+85−39x≤−65
Expression 147: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 5 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 25 , right bracey=−−x−5−39x≥−25
Expression 148: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 35 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 15 , right bracey=−−x+35−39x≥15
Expression 149: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 75 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 55 , right bracey=−−x+75−39x≥55
Expression 150: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 115 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, 100 greater than or equal to "x" greater than or equal to 95 , right bracey=−−x+115−39100≥x≥95
Expression 151: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 45 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 65 , right bracey=−−x−45−39x≥−65
Expression 152: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 85 , EndRoot minus 39 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 100 , right bracey=−−x−85−39x≥−100
Expression 153: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 75 , EndRoot minus 50 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 100 , right bracey=−−x−75−50x≥−100
Expression 154: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" minus 25 , EndRoot minus 50 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 50 , right bracey=−−x−25−50x≥−50
Expression 155: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 25 , EndRoot minus 50 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracey=−−x+25−50x≥0
Expression 156: "y" equals negative StartRoot, negative "x" plus 75 , EndRoot minus 50 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 50 , right bracey=−−x+75−50x≥50
Expression 157: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 75 , EndRoot minus 50 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 50 , right bracey=−x+75−50x≤−50
Expression 158: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" plus 25 , EndRoot minus 50 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 0 , right bracey=−x+25−50x≤0
Expression 159: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 25 , EndRoot minus 50 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 50 , right bracey=−x−25−50x≤50
Expression 160: "y" equals negative StartRoot, "x" minus 75 , EndRoot minus 50 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 100 , right bracey=−x−75−50x≤100
Expression 161: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, "x" minus 65 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 90 , right bracey=−32x−65−61x≤90
Expression 162: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, "x" minus 15 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 40 , right bracey=−32x−15−61x≤40
Expression 163: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, "x" plus 35 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 10 , right bracey=−32x+35−61x≤−10
Expression 164: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, "x" plus 85 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 60 , right bracey=−32x+85−61x≤−60
Expression 165: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, negative "x" plus 15 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 10 , right bracey=−32−x+15−61x≥−10
Expression 166: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, negative "x" minus 35 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 60 , right bracey=−32−x−35−61x≥−60
Expression 167: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, negative "x" minus 85 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 100 , right bracey=−32−x−85−61x≥−100
Expression 168: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, negative "x" plus 65 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 40 , right bracey=−32−x+65−61x≥40
Expression 169: "y" equals negative 3 halves StartRoot, negative "x" plus 115 , EndRoot minus 61 left brace, 100 greater than or equal to "x" greater than or equal to 90 , right bracey=−32−x+115−61100≥x≥90
Expression 170: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 2700 left brace, "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=2700y≥0
Expression 171: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 2900 left brace, "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=2900y≥0
Expression 172: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 3200 left brace, "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=3200y≥0
Expression 173: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 3500 left brace, "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=3500y≥0
Expression 174: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 3900 left brace, "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=3900y≥0
Expression 175: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 4400 left brace, "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=4400y≥0
Expression 176: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 4900 left brace, "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=4900y≥0
Expression 177: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 5500 left brace, 70 greater than or equal to "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=550070≥y≥0
Expression 178: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 6100 left brace, 70 greater than or equal to "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=610070≥y≥0
Expression 179: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 6800 left brace, 70 greater than or equal to "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=680070≥y≥0
Expression 180: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 7600 left brace, 70 greater than or equal to "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=760070≥y≥0
Expression 181: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 8400 left brace, 70 greater than or equal to "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=840070≥y≥0
Expression 182: "x" squared plus "y" squared equals 9300 left brace, 70 greater than or equal to "y" greater than or equal to 0 , right bracex2+y2=930070≥y≥0
Expression 183: "y" equals 2 "x" plus 224 left brace, negative 100 less than or equal to "x" less than or equal to negative 77 , right bracey=2x+224−100≤x≤−77
Expression 184: "y" equals 2 "x" plus 235 left brace, negative 100 less than or equal to "x" less than or equal to negative 82.5 , right bracey=2x+235−100≤x≤−82.5
Expression 185: "y" equals 2 "x" plus 248 left brace, negative 100 less than or equal to "x" less than or equal to negative 89 , right bracey=2x+248−100≤x≤−89
Expression 186: "y" equals 2 "x" plus 262 left brace, negative 100 less than or equal to "x" less than or equal to negative 96 , right bracey=2x+262−100≤x≤−96
Expression 187: "x" equals negative 1 half "y" plus 112 left brace, 25 less than or equal to "y" less than or equal to 70 , right bracex=−12y+11225≤y≤70
Expression 188: "x" equals negative 1 half "y" plus 118 left brace, 36 less than or equal to "y" less than or equal to 70 , right bracex=−12y+11836≤y≤70
Expression 189: "x" equals negative 1 half "y" plus 124 left brace, 48 less than or equal to "y" less than or equal to 70 , right bracex=−12y+12448≤y≤70
Expression 190: "x" equals negative 1 half "y" plus 131 left brace, 62 less than or equal to "y" less than or equal to 70 , right bracex=−12y+13162≤y≤70
Expression 191: "y" equals StartRoot, "x" minus 60 , EndRoot plus 30 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 75 , right bracey=x−60+30x≤75
Expression 192: "y" equals StartRoot, "x" minus 10 , EndRoot plus 45 left brace, "x" less than or equal to 15 , right bracey=x−10+45x≤15
Expression 193: "y" equals StartRoot, negative "x" plus 10 , EndRoot plus 45 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 5 , right bracey=−x+10+45x≥5
Expression 194: "y" equals StartRoot, "x" plus 30 , EndRoot plus 10 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 10 , right bracey=x+30+10x≤−10
Expression 195: "y" equals StartRoot, negative "x" minus 30 , EndRoot plus 10 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 50 , right bracey=−x−30+10x≥−50
Expression 196: "y" equals StartRoot, "x" plus 75 , EndRoot plus 50 left brace, "x" less than or equal to negative 65 , right bracey=x+75+50x≤−65
Expression 197: "y" equals StartRoot, negative "x" minus 75 , EndRoot plus 50 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to negative 85 , right bracey=−x−75+50x≥−85
Expression 198: "y" equals StartRoot, negative "x" plus 60 , EndRoot plus 30 left brace, "x" greater than or equal to 45 , right bracey=−x+60+30x≥45