3) What effect does "a" have on the graph? What values of "a" make the graph open up/down?
4) For each of the following give the coordinates of the vertex and state whether the parabola opens up or down. (After answering, click on the circle next to the equation to display the graph.)
Expression 13: "y" Subscript, 1 , Baseline equals 2.5 "x" squared minus 3y1=2.5x2−3
Expression 14: "y" Subscript, 2 , Baseline equals negative left parenthesis, "x" plus 3 , right parenthesis squared plus 1y2=−x+32+1
Expression 15: "y" Subscript, 3 , Baseline equals negative 4 plus 3 left parenthesis, "x" minus 2 , right parenthesis squaredy3=−4+3x−22
Expression 16: "y" Subscript, 4 , Baseline equals pi minus left parenthesis, "x" minus 4 , right parenthesis squaredy4=π−x−42
5) Click on the following points to display them. Generate an equation of a parabola with the vertex at each point. Type in the equation below each point to confirm your answer.
Hidden Label: left parenthesis, negative 4 , 5 , right parenthesis−4,5