SKU: r-o-h-m-dianabol-10mg-100tabs-methandrostenolone Categories: Bulking, Orals Tags: d-bol, dianabol, methandienone, rohm labs. Description Additional information Reviews (0) Dianabol represents one of the most popular and one of the most important anabolic steroids of all time.. PharmaQO Labs Turinabol 10mg/100tb (Tbol) Rohm Labs Dianabol 10mg 100 Tabs. Rohm Labs Dianabol 10mg 100 Tabs. Description. Reviews. Rohm Labs Dianabol 10. Each tub contains - 100 Tabs. Active Ingredient - 10mg of Methandienone. Alternative product by Hilma - CLICK HERE. Alternative product by Pryzm - CLICK HERE.
always over dosed for who got R.O.H.M. and corectly dosed for CLP. But ROHM don't is avable anymore or just very difficult to find, who don't had it, never have a chance to get it legit! (far as the UG stay close) but if the suppliers and the person involve of the label are to on CLP i think than CLP replcae ROHM.
Lab reviews: ROHM Labs - Eroids
9Y ago. I Got R.O.H.M. PCT 120 Tablets from G4M. I used them as directed for PCT following a 4 week PC Dbol only cycle at 40mg ED. Four PCT Tabs contain the equivalence to 50mg Clomid, 20mg Nolva, 25mg Proviron & PT141 Sex Hormone/Test Booster. I took 2 PCT Tabs in the AM & 2 PCT Tabs in the PM for 30 days and recovered just fine I felt a.
ROHM Labs Reviews | MuscleGurus
Anabolic Steroids A admin 1 0. Read more Read reviews Write review. Multi-Ester Tren . 0.0 (0) Anabolic Steroids A admin 1 0. Read more Read reviews Write review. 17 results - showing 1 - 10. 1 2
ROHM LABS - London Anabolics
We have some old news from the UK market. R.O.H.M Labs is still up and running again :) Their range of products is listed below. Rohm Masteron 100 Rohm Multi-Ester Tren Rohm NPP 200 Rohm Test Cypionate 200 Rohm Trenbolone Acetate Rohm Trenbolone Enenthate Rohm Tri-Test 300 Rohm Viro-Prop 100
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Anyone heard of ROHM labs - EliteFitness
ROHM LABS. Rohm Labs Test Heptylate 300mg. Rohm Labs Test Heptylate 300mgEach 1ml contains - 300mg of Testosterone EnathateBut this filtered differently to enanthate, a cleaner version many refer to it as, a method inducted by a French PharmacistAlternative product by Bayer - CLICK HERE.. £35.00. Re: Anyone heard of R.O.H.M. labs. Yeah i thought my mate had had good results from the oil based winstrol and his misses was useing their thermo lipid stack and has lost about 8lbs of body fat in just over three weeks, I thought that was a bit iffy, but she showed me the body stat readings. 17-Mar-2006, 11:56 PM #10.
Steroid For All Pharmacy - Anabolic Steroids
R.O.H.M LABS . Anabolic Steroids. What Are They? Ever wondered how those bulky weight lifters got so big? While some may have gotten their muscles through a strict regimen of weight-lifting and diet, others may have gotten that way through the illegal use of steroids. Steroids are synthetic substances similar to the male sex hormone.