Expression 7: left parenthesis, "t" , "b" , right parenthesist,b
domain t Minimum: negative 100−100
less than or equal to "t" less than or equal to≤t≤
domain t Maximum: 100100
Expression 8: left parenthesis, cos left parenthesis, "t" , right parenthesis cosh left parenthesis, "b" , right parenthesis , negative sin left parenthesis, "t" , right parenthesis sinh left parenthesis, "b" , right parenthesis , right parenthesiscostcoshb,−sintsinhb
domain t Minimum: negative 100−100
less than or equal to "t" less than or equal to≤t≤
domain t Maximum: 100100
Expression 9: left parenthesis, "a" , "t" , right parenthesisa,t
domain t Minimum: negative 100−100
less than or equal to "t" less than or equal to≤t≤
domain t Maximum: 100100
Expression 10: left parenthesis, cos left parenthesis, "a" , right parenthesis cosh left parenthesis, "t" , right parenthesis , negative sin left parenthesis, "a" , right parenthesis sinh left parenthesis, "t" , right parenthesis , right parenthesiscosacosht,−sinasinht
domain t Minimum: negative 100−100
less than or equal to "t" less than or equal to≤t≤
domain t Maximum: 100100
Hidden Label: left parenthesis, "a" , "b" , right parenthesisa,b
left parenthesis, 2.8 2 , 1.1 3 , right parenthesis2.82,1.13
Hidden Label: left parenthesis, cos left parenthesis, "a" , right parenthesis cosh left parenthesis, "b" , right parenthesis , negative sin left parenthesis, "a" , right parenthesis sinh left parenthesis, "b" , right parenthesis , right parenthesiscosacoshb,−sinasinhb