Expression 13: "m" Subscript, "a" "g" , Baseline left parenthesis, "V" , right parenthesis equals StartRoot, "V" . "x" squared plus "V" . "y" squared , EndRootmagV=V.x2+V.y2
Expression 14: "R" equals left bracket, "r" Subscript, 1 , Baseline , "r" Subscript, 2 , Baseline , "r" Subscript, 3 , Baseline , "r" Subscript, 4 , Baseline , right bracket equals a list of numbers. 4 itemsR=r1,r2,r3,r4
1.3 31.33
3.2 23.22
Expression 15: theta Subscript, "L" , Baseline equals left bracket, theta Subscript, 1 , Baseline , theta Subscript, 2 , Baseline , theta Subscript, 3 , Baseline , theta Subscript, 4 , Baseline , right bracket equals a list of numbers. 4 itemsθL=θ1,θ2,θ3,θ4
4.7 6 1 4 3 5 2 5 7 6 54.76143525765
7.5 0 8 0 0 9 2 6 0 0 57.50800926005
6.4 2 7 3 8 7 2 8 8 5 46.42738728854
3.3 2 5 2 9 2 2 0 4 1 23.32529220412
Expression 16: "S" Subscript, "u" "m" , Baseline left parenthesis, "N" , right parenthesis equals left parenthesis, Start sum from "n" equals 1 to "N" , end sum, "R" left bracket, "n" , right bracket times cos left parenthesis, theta Subscript, "L" , Baseline left bracket, "n" , right bracket , right parenthesis , Start sum from "n" equals 1 to "N" , end sum, "R" left bracket, "n" , right bracket times sin left parenthesis, theta Subscript, "L" , Baseline left bracket, "n" , right bracket , right parenthesis , right parenthesisSumN=N∑n=1Rn·cosθLn,N∑n=1Rn·sinθLn
Expression 17: "m" Subscript, "a" "g" , Baseline left parenthesis, "S" Subscript, "u" "m" , Baseline left parenthesis, length left parenthesis, "R" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis minus "p" , right parenthesis tilde 0 Has regression. To access statistics, press Tab.magSumlengthR−p~0
Expression 18: round left parenthesis, "m" Subscript, "a" "g" , Baseline left parenthesis, "S" Subscript, "u" "m" , Baseline left parenthesis, length left parenthesis, "R" , right parenthesis , right parenthesis minus "p" , right parenthesis , 4 , right parenthesis equals 0roundmagSumlengthR−p,4
Hidden Label: left bracket, left parenthesis, 0 , 0 , right parenthesis , "S" Subscript, "u" "m" , Baseline left parenthesis, 1 , right parenthesis , "S" Subscript, "u" "m" , Baseline left parenthesis, 2 , right parenthesis , "S" Subscript, "u" "m" , Baseline left parenthesis, 3 , right parenthesis , "S" Subscript, "u" "m" , Baseline left parenthesis, 4 , right parenthesis , right bracket equals a list of points. 5 items Has graph. To audio trace, press ALT+T.0,0,Sum1,Sum2,Sum3,Sum4
left parenthesis, 0 , 0 , right parenthesis0,0
left parenthesis, 0.0 6 5 2 1 , negative 1.3 2 8 , right parenthesis0.06521,−1.328
left parenthesis, 1.1 5 7 , 1.7 0 1 , right parenthesis1.157,1.701
left parenthesis, 2.9 3 8 , 1.9 5 9 , right parenthesis2.938,1.959
left parenthesis, 1.9 5 5 , 1.7 7 7 , right parenthesis1.955,1.777